Due to its experience and its practice as senior auditor in the fields of the safety and security management, the Office of expertise MASST can help you and accompany you in :
THE CERTIFICATION OF SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SMS) according to the International code of the Safety Management (ISM code) such as been imperative by the international maritime regulations (SOLAS) on any commercial ship upper to 500 and on any passenger ship in international navigation:
- Elaboration, and writing of Safety Management Manuals (SMM) (English or French)
- Setting up SMS and control in the time
- Carrying out of external or internal audit of SMS such as been imperative by the regulations
- Accompaniment in the corrections of SMS
- Accompaniment in the adaptation of manual according to the specific flag
THE SECURITY CERTIFICATION field of the International security regulations (ISPS code):
- Elaboration and writing of Ship Security Assessment (SSA) and Ship Security Plan ( SSP) (English or French)
- Setting up SSP and control in the time
- Carrying out of external or internal audit of SSP such as been imperative by the regulations
- Accompanimentsin the corrections of SSP
- Accompanimentsin the adaptation of the Plans according to the specific flag regulations
THE SECURITY CERTIFICATIONS concerning the work on board and the disabled passengers transport:
- Writing and implementation of MLC 2006 procedures and Unique Document
- Setting up of plans and implementation of installations for disabled passengers according to the relevant flag regulations
- Carrying out external or internal audit such as been imperative by the regulations
- Accompaniments in the corrections of the procedures